Saturday, June 18, 2016

Falls Church, VA

All week the weather forecasts for Friday indicated severe thunderstorms for most of the day.  With this in mind, we spent some time on Thursday evening going over our options: riding in the weather, spending an extra day in Annapolis, or renting a car.  The storms hit late Thursday evening but at 3 a.m. we woke up to the sound of silence. Outside the weather was nice.  At 5 a.m. we checked the weather forecast and saw that it had changed to just the possibility of storms in the morning.  So we packed our bikes and headed out to what turned out to be a beautiful day.

We followed the East Coast Greenway route from Annapolis to Washington, DC.  The route meandered over back roads and trails. A more direct route likely exists, but this one optimized safe routes.  There was little to photograph until we hit DC and then all the traditional tourist sites were captured in our cameras.  From DC we headed up the W&OD trail back to our start in Falls Church.

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